The debt : a bridge between the past and the future

The debt : a bridge between the past and the future
Type of text :
Type of referral :
Own initiative
Working group :
Section for Economy and Finance
Date d'adoption
Date adopted : 06/13/2012
Rapporteur(s) :
Michel LAMY
CFE-CGC Trade Union Group

    France’s public debt has reached 1,717 billion Euros: it requires a long term, appropriate and determined, balanced and objective approach. This demands that a clear and courageous approach must be taken by the whole of society. If the national debt is kept at a sustainable level in relation to the public finances, and as long as the level of debt is warranted, we will see the benefits in the future.

    As there is no time limit on the State, external factors and the inter generational dimension can be taken into account. The public debt can therefore be useful, particularly in funding investment.