International climate negotiations and the Durban conference

International climate negotiations and the Durban conference
Type of text :
Type of referral :
Own initiative
Working group :
Section for European and International Affairs
Date d'adoption
Date adopted : 11/08/2011
Rapporteur(s) :
Environment and Nature Group

    The scale and rapidity of global warming are now unequivocal. This being the case, action is urgently needed as climate change is already having an effect and will continue to do so, with the most vulnerable being the first to feel its impact. In the wake of the powerful mobilisation for the Copenhagen Summit and the impossibility of reaching a global agreement, a strong sense of disillusionment emerged along with the feeling that negotiations on the issue have reached stalemate. As the Durban Conference approaches, however, the ESEC is keen to make the voice of civil society organisations heard on issues of such major importance to the future of the planet and its inhabitants. The ESEC takes the view that climate change should be considered as an opportunity to rethink our development models, although at a time of economic and social crisis.