Industry: a driving force for growth and the future

Industry: a driving force for growth and the future
Type of text :
Type of referral :
Own initiative
Working group :
section for economic activities
Date d'adoption
Date adopted : 03/27/2018

    However, the far-reaching move- ment towards deindustrialisation in our country shows the limits of this vision. In reality, industry is a determining factor of growth. France’s future, economy and jobs are very much dependent on the productive capacities of its industry on national territory. Although some people are announcing a global recovery, others emphasise that our country does not yet appear to be benefiting fully from it. The state of its industrial base, absence of anticipation of training programmes and lack of investment are causing an increase in imports to meet demand, accentuating its trade imbalance. This period must be put to good use, in developing a strategy and map out the paths that will stimulate industrial activity, with sustainable development of society as the goal.