In the heart of G20 a new dynamic for the economic social and environmental progress

In the heart of G20 a new dynamic for the economic social and environmental progress
Type of text :
Type of referral :
Government referral
Working group :
Section for European and International Affairs
Date d'adoption
Date adopted : 09/06/2011
Rapporteur(s) :
Qualified Individuals Group
Agriculture Group

    The issues on the G20 agenda are complex, but whether or not decisions are taken, they will have an impact on the day to day lives of workers, entrepreneurs, farmers and entire populations. In the run up to the Cannes Summit of 3 and 4 November 2011, the Economic, Social and Environmental Council (ESEC) responded to the Prime Minister, to whom it referred the issues for the French Presidency, by asking him to pay particular attention to social issues. In this context, the ESEC wishes to send a strong message, based on two convictions.
    First, growth is not an end in itself, it must serve the well being of humanity by placing social justice, the fight against inequality and poverty, as well as the preservation of the environment at the heart of public policy.
    Second, after decades of laissez faire policy, it now falls to policy makers and Heads of State and government to place themselves at the forefront of globalisation policy and regulation of economic and financial activity.